Saturday, September 21, 2024

Blessings and Adventures

How does one prepare for a Camino? Great question, with an answer I wouldn't have known if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and felt it in my heart. Stamina, energy, commitment, inner strength and gut determination all factor in. Weeks and months of physical training (working up to 15 and 20 km hikes), hours of research, dozens of conversations, miles of pavement pounded in the search for just the right pair of shoes… and more.  Everything you've ever done in preparation for an international trip and a bunch more…that's how you prepare.

 And then there's the backpack. Not  just any backpack  though. It has to fit well, be the right design for the trip and, above all else, it has to hold everything you will need for your journey and still come in at 10% of your body weight.  Some choose to ship their kit ahead of them, and that's their choice; but some choose to do the pilgrimage the 'old' way…and that is Kath.  She's left the country and is en route to Portugal via Ireland (where she will have a short visit with her cousins before flying to Porto).

We've agreed, for sanity's sake, to not set up a schedule for communication, but rather to stick with the old adage 'no news is good news'.  This will allow Kath to immerse herself in the experience itself and to follow whatever path she chooses … to its end.
We will stay loosely in touch; the hearts demand it.

Back at the 'ranch' life goes on. The orchids are blooming and Maddie's doing her shopping at Home Depot. All going well Maddie and I may enjoy some days aboard the good ship SSpirit. We shall see.

We hope you are all enjoying the departure of summer and have your sails set for the onset of Fall.   Until I write again, this is CJ signing off.  TTFN

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