Monday, April 22, 2024


The trips we take, the paths we follow, the adventures we seek; trying to leave nothing in our wake. To say this month at home has been extremely busy would be an understatement. We are now turning our minds to the upcoming travel. Yes, we hope to be on our way to England and Ireland (2 weeks each) at the end of this month. We're going to do our best to travel light; not an easy feat, and we'll be staying in a few different places and using them as base camps. We're both looking forward to enjoying some walking, cycling and exploring…along with some overdue rest.

This next week will be filled with packing and preparing…and haircuts all around. Hope all is well with each of you. Bye for now CJ

> On Apr 21, 2024, at 7:49 AM, Carolyn Daley <> wrote: