Friday, September 29, 2023

Home is beckoning…

 Well my friends the time has come to trim our sails, adjust our course and prepare for returning to our home port.  We fly out tomorrow morning with suitcases stuffed to the brim (they certainly aren’t any lighter), somewhat weary legs (from exploring museums, historical sites, trails and beaches) and heads filled with the sights, sounds, stories, friends new and old… and memories of a wonderful exploration of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island (at least as much as we could see in 28 days and 3000 kilometres). Our photos abound and we have been openly accepted and welcomed at every stop and points in between. We feel blessed to be Canadian (recognizing that even we Canadians haven’t set the most honourable standards at times in our history).


Gastronomically we have outdone ourselves. From lobster dinners fit for royalty to seafood chowders - the likes of which we had only dreamed of, we could not have asked for more. In fact (sadly) our newly expanded waistlines stand testament to our gluttony. We have some serious adjustments to make once we get home :-)

We will be returning to the west coast with a more educated respect for the people who first carved out a new life in the wild wilderness of the east coast and their descendants who continue to work with and protect the natural gifts (and challenges) delivered by Mother Nature. 

We’ll also be fighting the temptation to install miniature light houses at the bottom of our driveway, hanging colourful wooden lobster trap floats in our trees and painting our house yellow, or blue, or aquamarine with white trim. And, we’ll likely spend the rest of our life trying to create trim lawns that match the beautiful lush green of almost every where in Cape Breton. Oh, and we’re determined to dust off our bodhran and learn how to play it.

This has been an adventure we shall not easily forget. Thank you for joining us as we explored our Maritime provinces.  We hope you enjoyed the journey. We wish all of you the best and hope your own adventures unfold smoothly and with delight.

CJ and Kathy