Saturday, February 11, 2023

Living in small spaces…

 Now I m not one to utter complaints - much) and this isn’t one now. It’s just that, well, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly a carefully stowed item can up and disappear; and in some cases never be found again until a great deal of time has wandered by.  

For instance, not two weeks ago I succumbed to skilled marketing and purchased a lovely set of matched kitchen utensils (the finest Walmart had to offer :-). Do you think I can find them today?  I suspect they’re hiding out, along with everything else I can’t find, in some nebulous crevice….so carefully camouflaged I can’t even see it exists…sigh.

So all I can report on this topic is that woe betide you if you carefully select the perfect place for … well… almost anything as you may never find it again.    

The caption for today s photo is.  “ I just know it s in here somewhere”.