Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Ahhh, peaceful evening

But it didn't start out that way. We started the day by deciding to flee our neighbours in our previous (and initial) site. She seemed OK; he was also ok but had to use a collar, a leash and a heavy shoulder harness to try to control their 100 pound, one year old, totally unsocialized (to the point of terrifying poor Maddie) large male (Grand Pyrenese)canine. Very unpleasant.

Luckily the new 'dry' site (which means no power or water) we were moving to on Friday was available today so we opted to move early.

There began the trials and tribulations of what could have been simple but grew more complicated by the minute attempt to situate dear Lucy (the trailer) with a perfect view at the same time as she would be easy to pull around and tow out when the time came.

That is NOT what happened! Let me just say that one and a half hours of too ing and fro ing (with 4-6" to spare in either direction), some not so gentle language, and reminders of how important a sense of humour is at times like these… we finally dragged poor Lucy out of the conflagration we had accidentally created and then backed her into place. Now, how hard was that!

Just realized I forgot to mention.., we're camping at Cumberland Lake for a week and hoping to dust off our fly rods. 'Nuff said.

Hope all is well with each of you and your sense of humour is in tact and ready to face any challenge. Ttfn. CJ