Thursday, March 8, 2018

News Flash... we’re on the move!

0500 hrs. Winds calm...tide lowish. Forecast: not too bad until late Saturday. It's Thursday. We have a window!

So, can't talk long... things to do. But know this; we are finally able to head to La Pas. yippee! Yahoo! Finally! Probably won't write again until we're there (not much internet at sea). But, approximately 236 nautical miles from here... I'll let you know once we're there.

Hope everyone's well. We're delighted to be on the move. Adios for now... farewell Mazatlan. We will miss the wonderful folks here... and our cruising friends who stay on the mainland side.

Until we write again. Be well.


Posted by: Carolyn (via Kathy's Google mail profile)