Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Slight delay...

Howdy folks, all is well here.... just thought it'd be a good idea to let you know our departure from Mazatlan will be slightly delayed. Nothing new for Mexico... we're just waiting for some parts. One, not so serious, is an in-line check valve for the refrigerator drain. The other (won't leave home without it) is a replacement exhaust hose for the engine. Luckily Rafa (our mechanic) spotted the beginnings of a crack in our exhaust hose... and that is not a good thing. Between exhaust into the cabin and water into the boat... not a good thing to leave unattended. And so we wait.

With luck the hose will arrive by the weekend and be installed on Monday... fingers crossed we'll be on our way after that. Will let you know.

Some good news... our little outboard was acting up and, this morning, two cruising buddies put their heads together and showed us how to clear the carburetor. Seems ok now.

Hope all is well with each of you... and the rain is not washing away your gardens...

Ttfn. (Tatafornow). CJ

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