Friday, January 20, 2017

Jan. 18, 2017: SSpirit is on the move.... Ensenada Raza

Yup, we actually slipped the lines and left the big city (of La Paz:-) We've had a terrific visit with friends old and new and re-acquainted ourselves with the best restaurants in the vicinity... even enjoyed some wonderful walks. It took us five years to get back here and it's hard to believe it's time to leave already... But leave we did. At 1030 hrs this morning we headed north, took a peek into Caleta Lobos (sadly closed to cruisers now... for a good cause; protection of the coral beds and mangroves) and carried on to Ensenada Raza (hook down by 1530 hrs.) We had a lovely wee sail, a not-too-long motor sail and then a short motor to our destination. Beautiful scenery, good friends, blue sky and sunshine. What could be better?

It's just after 2200 hrs. and we're not on Internet but I'm writing this for the blog anyway. At some point the stars will align and the post will go out. It's calm so far and tomorrow may be even calmer. Tomorrow we head to Ensenada Grande which is very close to Los Islotes (where we intend to swim with the sea lions early Friday morning. Oh, that reminds me. Kathy finally got her swim with the awhile sharks (I had mine back in 2012). She went out with a small group on a tour arranged by the Whale Museum... and was in the water snorkeling with these huge, calm fish at least five times. She had a blast and came back with a big grin on her face.... another tick for the bucket list.

There's a blow predicted to start on Saturday so we will continue north and position ourselves safely for the incoming weather. This post is short... Just wanted to let you know we are well and enjoying the Sea. Hope all is well with each of you.... TTFN (tatafornow) CJ

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