Who knew... Pack rats like to nest in your engines... but only if they're dark? The answer: leave your hood open at night so there is too much ambient light for them; or better yet (if you don't mind the "Coney Island effect"), lay a string of lights along the ground underneath your trailer... and your truck.
Who knew... a certain type of cactus, known as Teddy Bear cactus by the locals, is loaded with small spiney round bits that not only stick to you like Velcro but also jump (sort of) from place to place on your body when you try to brush them off? The answer: carry a fork (yup, a kitchen fork) when you hike and use it to flick the little devils off.
Who knew... (and, by the way, we have not experienced anything to do with these...yet). That "Africanized" bees (thanks so much Dr. W. E. Kerr) head butt you first to warn you away from their nest and, if you don't take heed and leave quickly, will then start to sting and attack? The answer: take heed the next time a bee head butts you... And get the h__ out of Dodge! Who knew...that if you do get attacked by one of these devils... you ought not to wave your arms at them, cuz that just makes them angrier.... That they aim for your face (eyes, ears, nose), so cover your head quickly with a t-shirt or jacket and leave only a small hole to peek through as you run like h__ away; and that if you get covered up and run away and they pursue you, they may actually tire and let you go after about a kilometer. That if you do get stung, you shouldn't use your finger nails or a tweezer to try to get the stinger out cuz you will just squirt more venom into you. You should, instead, scrape the stinger off with a credit card or something like it. And finally, who knew... you shouldn't actually try to kill one of these guys because they will scream bloody murder and reinforcements will arrive in a big way...
Who indeed knew?? We didn't, but we do now.