Sunday, July 28, 2024

We are home…

After an amazing 9 days... and a whirlwind introduction (with good friends) to some beautiful anchorages and the wonders of Mother Nature at her finest... we have returned to our home and are now catching up with our more domestic life :-)  Thanks for coming along on our journey.  Just for the record; we visited Alert Bay, the Pearse Islands, Farewell Harbour, Midsummer Island, Echo Bay, Samoom Sound, Sullivan Bay, Booker Lagoon... and then back to Alert Bay.  We ran into old friends from our blue water days and we met new friends along the way.  I hope your days have been filled with adventures of your choosing... TTFN until I write again. CJ

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Sunset in Booker Lagoon

We had a lovely sail from Sullivan Bay and, after shooting the rapids at the entrance to
Booker Lagoon (which was a rather startling event) we settled in to a lovely and almost empty anchorage. We dined on fresh salmon (our second such dinner supplied by the sea) and watched the sun set on another beautiful and secluded piece of paradise.

This has indeed been a memorable journey and a grand introduction into an uncrowded wilderness. Today we turn our bow towards 'home'. The forecast includes heavier winds later today and we hope to be across the open waters before it arrives. Until I write again. Fair winds. CJ

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sullivan Bay

July 25. Just leaving Sullivan Bay. Gorgeous country. Wonderful people. Old friends from blue water days. Onward to next stop. All well on board. Limited connectivity. Stay well. CJ

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Echo Bay, Billy Proctor and friends

Our exploration continues. Having visited Mid Summer Island where we enjoyed a peaceful anchorage and (at least) got our traps wet (no luck), we carried on to Echo Bay. While somewhat busy, there was room at the dock for us and we elected to stay the night. Good thing as we met up with friends from our blue water cruising days and enjoyed a good happy hour before settling in for the evening. Another highlight of the day was a tramp through the forest and over to the next bay for a visit with Billy Proctor and his museum. Kathy had a good chat with Billy as her family had been quite involved with forestry in the area in years long past.

Photos today include; an example of the protected waters and islets, Kathy and Billy, Billy's museum and a great example of how to turn all those old fishing lures into art deco.

Hope all is well with each of you. We are fine and the adventure continues… today we head to Sullivan Bay. TTFN. CJ

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Broughtons

Yes, we are finally back in the Broughton's and they are just as desolate and beautiful as we remembered. We are enjoying cruising with friends and all is well. Each day is different. We have enjoyed warm sunshine, brazen fog, gentle winds. Calm seas and the company of good friends. We even caught a fish! And have our fingers crossed for our prawn and crab traps. Hope all is well with each of you. We are fine. CJ and Kathy

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Evening song…

Is perfect. We 've had a lovely time at Conover Cove and by the time you read this we ll be half way to Sidney (the tides demand we slip at 0630) (remember the saying about plans made in sand). We met some wonderful folks while hosting at the dock. Some will, ,no doubt, become boating friends. After a couple of days in Sidney we'll be out meandering for a few more days. Hope your paths are running true. Always, CJ

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Peaceful summer morning…

In Connover Cove

Ah. The still quiet in the early hours of one of our favourite places in the Gulf Islands. We are here as Park Hosts this week and have already met old friends (someone who actually remembered us and our dear SV Shannon). That was many years ago now. Anyway old friends and new, we have a nice group at the dock and the folks who are anchored are not too loud. It's all good.

We hope your day will be a good one too.
Best, CJ