I know it’s been a while since I’ve written, but lots has been happening; and before I tell you about that… I just have to tell you about ‘this’….
Imagine, if you will, saying good night to good friends who are on their way home after a fun evening complete with happy hour, dinner, tons of stories, lots of laughs and…well, just darn good comradeship. Then, like you would, you settle down to finish that last drop of wine in your glass before starting the clean up and dishes… and what does your wandering eye perceive, but a flying, flitting, silently soaring, creature with the wingspan of a black bird and he’s swooping and circling in your living room just down from the vaulted ceiling!
It didn’t take long to put the open front door, the oncoming dusk, the high-ceilinged living room and the fact last year we’d had two similar visitors (one that had died clinging to our front wall and the other who we found crawling across our patio and then watched as he climbed slowly up our screen door and disappeared into the eaves trough (sounds weird I know but hang on) together - to figure out a bat had somehow slipped inside when we weren’t watching.
What to do, what to do…we wondered. The debate led to another (last) glass of wine while we researched our options and kept an eye on Garth (yes, we named him after that famous fellow… you know, Garth Vader) and discussed the options… hmmm seems we could curtain off all three hallways and do so in a way that led Garth to the (still open) front door, and we could make sure we turned off ALL the lights so his radar could keep him out of our hair and, hopefully, out into the night sky. We were also supposed to put the house canine away… but she would have none of that and insisted on chewing on her teddy while she watched the entire show from her comfy couch bed.
Well, armed with the best advice the Internet had to offer , we scrambled through the mess in the garage and found some clear, plastic paint sheets. The googlies had told us… to block all entrances except the door and the bat will only see the blockade and he won’t try to fly through it. He will though, eventually, find the front door. I had only just returned with an armful of tarps when a quick check of Garth’s favourite roosting location on the living room roof proved to be vacant! We never saw him leave. In fact we weren’t sure if he had left, but a careful check of all the hallways failed to yield one single bat, never mind Garth.
Sigh, just when we’d figured out he’d have been welcome to spend the night but…
With that wee story, I bid you good night and, if sharing a thought or two is appropriate… may you always have control of your air space and may the hats in your belly (oops I mean ‘bats in your belfry’) be of the kindest sort.
G’d night all.
PS: IPad Speak is a language I’m still trying to figure out. Sorry for any that got away on me.